- Carl Sandburg School
- About Carl Sandburg School
Grade Levels:
5th and 6th Grade
Shared Vision Statement:
In partnership with students, families, and our community, we will challenge all students to achieve excellence and to become college and career ready in a global society.
School Hours:
Monday - Friday:
7:20am breakfast/students can enter the building
7:50am - 2:45pm school day

Carl Sandburg School serves all 5th and 6th grade students in the Freeport School District. Carl Sandburg School’s staff consists of about 80 talented teachers and staff members whose primary focus is the academic success, social emotional growth, and safety of our diverse student population.
The school features 40 classrooms, a gymnasium, a conference room, a cafeteria, a pool, Special Education services, and Family Resource Coordinator services. Students are not only provided daily academic instruction in the classroom, but also have opportunity to participate in numerous extracurricular and co-curricular activities, including the district’s Grammy award-winning music program.
Carl Sandburg School is also an AVID Elementary site. AVID Elementary strategies are embedded into the daily instruction of all classrooms in order to help develop the academic habits students will need to be successful in middle school, high school, and college. In particular, the students learn about organization, study skills, communication, and self-advocacy.
The school also hosts 5th and 6th grade classes of the school district’s High Academic Potential Program.
Carl Sandburg is a solar school! There are six solar panels on the south side of the school, installed in 2011. These together provide 1.38-Kilowatts DC per peak sun hour.