• Tardiness to School

    • A “Tardy Binder” will be kept at the front counter in the main office. Every student will show up on a spread sheet (similar to how we track ID fees).
    • Each time a student is tardy to school, the date will be recorded on the spreadsheet.
    • After the 3rd tardy, the attendance secretary will contact the student’s parent.
    • After the 4th tardy, the dean will contact home and issue a referral.
    • After the 5th tardy, the FRC and the Problem Solving Team will initiate intervention strategies.

    Tardiness to Class

    • The first time a student is tardy to class, the student shall be reminded of the PBIS expectation, “Be aware of time.”
    • 2 or 3 tardies, the student shall be marked “tardy” and an STC will be issued, a call home shall be made and it will be documented as a TM-referral.
    • 4+ tardies for a class will result in an OM tardy referral (#115) and will result in an appropriate consequence.

    First Hour

    • Students who come TO SCHOOL late, will have a pass from the office.
    • Students who come to class late first hour, should NOT be sent back to the office. They should be kept and marked as tardy in Skyward by the teacher.